November 30th: All Facts & Events That Happened Today In History

Publish date: 2024-06-19

November 30th is a significant date in history, filled with notable events and fascinating facts that have shaped the world we live in today. From groundbreaking discoveries and courageous acts to historic milestones and cultural moments, this day has seen it all. Whether it’s a scientific breakthrough, a momentous political event, or a notable birth or death, November 30th has left an indelible mark on our collective memory.

In this article, we will delve into the annals of history and explore the events and facts that unfolded on this day. From ancient civilizations to modern times, we will take a journey through time and uncover the important events that occurred on November 30th. So, prepare to embark on a captivating historical ride and discover the significant moments that have occurred on this special day.

Key Takeaways:





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In conclusion, November 30th is a significant date in history, with notable events across various fields. It witnessed significant historical events such as the Crimean War and the approval of the partition of Palestine by the UN General Assembly. In terms of scientific breakthroughs, this day saw achievements like the first successful kidney transplant and the completion of a preliminary version of the human genome sequence. There were also political milestones like the signing of the Treaty of Paris and the United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs. Additionally, November 30th holds cultural significance with the birth of renowned figures like Mark Twain and Sir Winston Churchill. Lastly, it marks the passing of influential individuals including Benjamin Franklin and Oscar Wilde. These events have shaped the world we live in today.


Q: What is the significance of November 30th in history?

A: November 30th is significant in history as it marks the occurrence of various significant events across different domains like politics, science, culture, and more.

Q: Which scientific breakthroughs are associated with November 30th?

A: Some scientific breakthroughs associated with November 30th include the first successful kidney transplant, the completion of a preliminary version of the human genome sequence, and the discovery of an ancient streambed on Mars.

Q: Are there any notable births on November 30th?

A: Yes, notable births on November 30th include Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain, Sir Winston Churchill, Ben Stiller, and Kaley Cuoco, among others.

Q: Who are some famous individuals who passed away on November 30th?

A: Some famous individuals who passed away on November 30th include Benjamin Franklin, Oscar Wilde, Aleister Crowley, Tiny Tim, and Evel Knievel.

Q: What are some political milestones associated with November 30th?

A: Political milestones associated with November 30th include the signing of the Treaty of Paris, the establishment of the framework for the international prosecution of war crimes, and the halting of the Florida recount during the 2000 US presidential election.

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